Water Reuse and Public Engagement – A Global Look

Public Engagement is a critical, but often ignored, component of water reuse project implementation.  Communities and stakeholders are demanding the ability to take a more active role in decisions that impact them financially or their quality of life. Coupled with an environment where social media is the dominant knowledge source for the general public, it is even more important to include stakeholders and continual communications throughout project development and implementation.

Across the globe, the approach to public engagement varies significantly based on local needs.  During this webinar, experts from multiple high-income countries (United States, United Kingdom, and Australia) will highlight the latest water reuse-focused engagement initiatives and research.  In addition, an international collaboration to catalogue water reuse project information to help inform the public and project developers will be presented.

During this webinar, participants will be able to learn:

  • Communication strategies for advancing acceptance of water reuse;
  • Key resources to support public engagement;
  • Ongoing research projects and focus areas; and
  • Examples of different engagement strategies focused on reuse projects.

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