VII Convection Permitting Climate Modelling Workshop


  • Communicate advances in Convection-Permitting Climate Modelling (CPCM) and our understanding of fine scale processes; how these influence/are influenced by larger scale features and elucidate how climate change and its impacts are experienced at local scales.
  • Address, and propose solutions to, barriers to continued advancement – such as lack of key earth system or human components. 
  • Through concrete examples discuss how we can tailor CPCM research in such a way so as to support adaptation efforts, vulnerability & impacts assessments and downstream climate services.


The anchoring theme for the VII Convection Permitting Climate Modelling workshop is “Mountainous regions and high latitudes as climate change hot spots”. However, we welcome contributions on any topic germane to the aims of the workshop.


1. Mountainous & high-latitude regions
2. Extremes & impacts
3. Model development (SRMs, CPCMs, hybrid techniques)
4. CPCM for society, adaptation planning and mitigating risk
5. Data access, accessibility and equitability in CPCM research
6. What have we learned from CPCM modelling and what is next


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