Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Webinar Series

The formulation of robust policies for mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change requires quantitative understanding of how and why specific changes are unfolding in the Earth System, and what might happen in the future. Quantitative explanation of observed changes – through robust process-based detection and attribution – is also fundamental to specification of confidence in climate assessments, predictions and projections. This webinar series will provide a discussion forum on topics focused on predicting and explaining a range of different climate phenomena and events, while supporting the further development of a scientific agenda that will be taken forward by the WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity and partners co-organising this series.


Webinar 1: Record-breaking extreme events (21 September 2022)


Webinar 2: A focus on the ongoing Triple La Nina event (22 November 2022)


Webinar 3: Explaining and predicting global and regional changes in drought (15 February 2023)

This third webinar will focus on global and regional changes in drought and aspects related to a changing climate.


  • Aiguo Dai (University at Albany, USA): Drought Under Global Warming
  • Alessandra Giannini (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/IPSL, France; and IRI, USA): Attribution of climate change: the case of late 20th century Sahel drought
  • Juan Rivera (CCT Mendoza, CONICET, Argentina): Mechanisms behind the recent unprecedented drying along the Central Andes of Argentina


Webinar 4: Marine Heatwaves (15 May 2023)

This fourth webinar will focus on marine heatwaves, the processes involved and drivers in a changing climate. 


  • Alex Sen Gupta (University of New South Wales, Australia): Local processes and large scale drivers of marine heatwaves
  • Antonietta Capotondi (University of Colorado at Boulder,USA): Large-scale climate drivers of Northeast Pacific marine heatwaves
  • Regina Rodrigues (Federal University of Santa Catarina,Brazil): Marine heatwaves in the context of compound extreme events


Webinar 5: Earth Energy Imbalance (19 July 2023)

This fifth webinar will focus on recent changes and the human influence on the Earth Energy Imbalance. 


  • Karina von Schuckmann (Mercator Ocean, France): Heat stored in the Earth system 1960–2020: where does the energy go? 
  • Norman Loeb (NASA, USA): Recent Changes in Earth’s Energy Imbalance 
  • Shiv Priyam Raghuraman (NCAR, USA): Clear evidence of human influence on Earth’s energy imbalance 


Target audience: Senior researchers


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