Event Week on Heatwaves and Droughts

In the week from 29 May to 1 June 2023 EUMeTrain oragnized an Event week on heatwaves and Droughts. During the event week there was a number of presentations which covered different aspects of heatwaves and droughts, mainly focusing on satellite observations that can be used to study their impacts and causes. There was a total of 16 presentations.

Heatwaves are becoming increasingly more frequent and more intense, with Europe being one of the areas where these increases are more significant. Changes in atmospheric patterns due to climate change and complex interactions between the land surface and the atmosphere, which are now better understood thanks to better models, but also better observations. Satellite climate data records are now reaching sufficient maturity and length to provide robust information on decadal changes in many variables involved in heatwaves and droughts, such as Land Surface Temperature, Soil Moisture and different vegetation indexes. Satellite information may also be used to study associated processes such as marine heatwaves, interactions with the carbon cycle, air pollution or enhanced impact on cities and human health.

Covered Topics

  • Theoretical aspects
  • Data services (GEE, EUMETSAT, Copernicus)
  • Land Surface and impacts on vegetation
  • Marine heatwaves
  • Hydrological aspects (soil moisture, precipitation, river discharge)
  • Urban heat islands
  • Impacts on the Carbon cycle

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