The South Asian Conference on “Unfolding Emerging Issues in the Context of Changing Climatic Scenario” is a ground-breaking conference designed to address the crucial environmental issues that South Asian countries are facing as a result of climate change. The eminent Academicians, researchers, policymakers, scientists, and activists from across the region will gather at the conference to discuss the complex interactions between climate change and its multiple effects on a range of sectors, including agriculture, water resources, public health, socioeconomic dynamics, gender inequities, renewable energy, resilient cities, migration and displacement, environmental education for the future, and food security. The conference hopes to stimulate creative approaches and legislative frameworks that might lessen the negative consequences of climate change and advance sustainable development throughout South Asia through stimulating intelligent dialogues and knowledge exchange
Conference themes
- South Asian Commons
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Climate Change (adaptation/ mitigation/ renewable energy, climate policy)
- Resilient Cities and Urban ecosystem
- South Asia Cooperation for Climate Action, Food, Security, and Education
- Climate displacement, migration, human security, and disability inclusion