This webinar is under the webinar series of the WCRP Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity that aims to push the co-development of high-resolution Earth-system modeling and the exploitation of billions of observations with digital technologies from the convergence of novel High-Performance Computing (HPC), big data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodologies.
Furthermore, it seeks to maintain regular and open dialogue between researchers active in the field of developing and evaluating models of the climate system at ultra-high resolution (i.e. km-scale) on global to regional scales for weather, climate and environmental hazard prediction, showcase research progress, share insights on barriers to progress, and grow understanding on the relative costs and benefits compared with relevant established modelling approaches, and enable horizon scanning of new opportunities to integrate research with new observations, methods in physical modelling and data science, and new technologies.
The speaker of this webinar will be M. N. Raghavendra Sreevathsa (National Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting, NCMRWF, India).