55th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics “Ocean Extremes”

Marine extreme events, encompassing phenomena such as storm surges, marine heatwaves, harmful algal blooms, jellyfish blooms, extreme storms, and even unique occurrences like Medicanes (Mediterranean hurricanes), are becoming more common in our changing world. These events have profound consequences for marine ecosystems, coastal communities, and global economies.  Addressing the impacts of these events requires a comprehensive approach, involving measures to mitigate climate change, improve coastal resilience, and promote sustainable marine management practices. Scientific research plays a pivotal role in unraveling the intricate mechanisms behind these events, predicting their occurrence, and formulating effective strategies to manage and adapt to their consequences. By exploring the underlying causes, interactions, and feedback loops, scientists can provide invaluable insights that guide policymakers, communities, and industries in making informed decisions.

The 55th edition of the International Liège Colloquium will focus on Ocean Extremes, and welcomes submissions in the above-mentioned topics but also other extreme phenomena such as extreme waves and (meteo)tsunamis. The colloquium encourages contributions encompassing observational and modeling studies, research on the evolution of extreme events over the last decades and their projected evolution in the future, and also works about the attribution of these events and studies to their possible causes.

Talks and posters will be organized within the following sessions:

  • Drivers and mechanisms (air-sea interactions, ocean processes, local and remote drivers… )
  • Long-term changes (paleoclimate, historical reanalyses, future projections, detection and attribution, interactions with climate modes, extremes at high latitudes, long term observations)
  • Compound events (preconditioned, multivariate events, temporally compounding and spatially compounding, cascading events)
  • Predictions (novel forecasting approaches, numerical modeling and machine learning, operational systems, applications and technologies, adequacy of observations and monitoring)
  • Impacts and Adaptation (short-term and long-term, coastal, individual and cumulative impacts on ecosystems, socio-economic impacts, adaptation, governance)

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