After the publication of the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEARs) in 2023, reflecting the Grand Challenges and research themes of Baltic Earth over the past ten years, it is now time to move on and update research challenges, and define new ones. The updated and new research foci will be presented and discussed by scientists, students, managers and other stakeholders.
The sessions of this conference reflect the Grand Challenges and topics Baltic Earth has elaborated for the past 10 years, and those which are currently being defined as new. As the open discussion is ongoing, the final set of new Grand Challenges will be presented at the conference with the new Science Plan 2023. The topics below are preliminary but reflect the scope of the conference; the final sessions will be defined in the 2nd Announcement and Call for Papers.
- Salinity dynamics
- Biogeochemical functioning and development: From catchment to the open sea
- Natural hazards and extreme events
- Sea level dynamics and coastal erosion
- Human impacts and their interactions
- Sustainable management options
- Analysing and projecting past and future climate changes
- Atmospheric teleconnections affecting the Baltic Sea region
- Comparing marginal seas around the world
- Philosophical aspects of Baltic Sea Earth system research