Joint WCRP/WWRP Webinar on African Monsoons

Date: Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 14:00 UTC.


Prof. Michela Biasutti (Columbia University, USA): “Climate Change in the Sahel: The Past and the Future

Dr. Samson Hagos (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA): “Synchronization of the Recent Decline of East African Long Rains and Northwestern Asian Warming

Webinar Co-chairs:

Dr. Rondrotiana Barimalala (Norwegian Research Center (NORCE), Bergen, Norway) 

Dr. Akintomide Akinsanola (University of Illinois Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory, USA)

To know more about the webinar and to Register visit African Monsoons webinar page

Target audience: Master’s students, PhD students, Senior researchers


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