The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Office for Northeast Asia (UNDRR ONEA), along with its Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) are offering this e-learning course to serve as a tool to guide humanitarian action in adopting a risk-sensitive approach when planning humanitarian needs and responses.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the concepts of humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction and explain their importance in reducing the impact of disasters on communities.
- Analyze the causes and consequences of disasters and assess the factors contributing to vulnerability and resilience.
- Evaluate the different approaches to disaster risk reduction, including prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery, and identify the best practices and lessons learned.
- Be familiar with the Checklist on Scaling up DRR in Humanitarian Action: Supporting Risk-Informed Programming and Humanitarian-Development-Peace Collaboration.
- Identify the key actors involved in humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction and describe their roles and responsibilities.
- Understand the urgency and importance of strengthening cooperation between humanitarian, development, and peace actors to enable long-term reduction of vulnerabilities.
- Apply the principles of humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction to real-life situations using case studies.
- Design and implement effective disaster risk reduction strategies and programs, considering the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders and the local context.