Can We Do Better? Climate Science and Colonialism

MCR Education Working Group Series on Climate and Colonialism

What does climate science, in its epistemology, methodology and practice, have to do with colonialism? While climate impacts clearly reveal the vulnerability of colonized and formerly colonized nations and spaces, what about the science itself? This first event in the My Climate Risk Education Working Group series on Climate and Colonialism explores these questions through the collective insights of scholars from disciplines as varied as history, energy policy, ocean diplomacy, interdisciplinary studies, environmental studies and sociology.

Session 1: 5 October 2023


  • Lyla Mehta – Sociologist and Development Studies scholar at the Institute of Development Studies, UK
  • Nikki Carsi Cruz – Chair of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at Ateneo de Manila University
  • Harriet Mercer – Historian and Interdisciplinary Scholar of climate history at the University of Cambridge
  • Thomas Simpson – Environmental Historian at the University of Warwick

Session 2: 6 October 2023


  • Yamina Saheb – Energy Policy researcher at Sciences Po (Paris) and IPCC lead author
  • Margaret Rudolf – Interdisciplinary Scholar at the International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  • Rohan Deb Roy – Historian of science at the University of Reading, UK
  • Andrei Polejack – Ocean Science Diplomacy scholar and advisor to the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

Target audience: Marginalized groups (e.g. women, indigenous peoples), Senior researchers


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