Green shoots from burning embers: moving from environmental crisis toward sustainable solutions

Much research and policy assessment focus has been on understanding the causes and impact of environmental changes. But now, the emphasis is shifting to solutions and pathways.

For example, the “Burning Embers” diagrams have been used to communicate climate change risks for natural and human systems in IPCC assessment reports. However, they do not identify the possible policy levers and the actions to reduce these risks. The recently proposed “Green Shoots” diagrams attempt to visualize solutions and illustrate the associated synergies and trade-offs. International assessments, such as UNEP’s ongoing 7th Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7), are also adopting a more explicit solutions-oriented focus.

In this webinar, we considered the progress and challenges in understanding and navigating solutions.

Speakers were Dr Almut Arneth, Sir Robert Watson, and Dr Nick Jessop. Dr Peter Alexander moderated the session. 

Speakers’ presentations: 

Target audience: Senior researchers


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