The webinar series entitled Actionable Climate Knowledge is organized by the Argentinian Hub of the WCRP My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity. Videos are available in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation in English.
Webinar 1: 27 June 2023
1. ¿Cómo abordamos el riesgo climático? Desafíos desde el diálogo interdisciplinario
1. How do we address climate risk? Challenges from an interdisciplinary dialogue
This webinar is the first one in the series. We will address one of the main challenges in producing actionable climate knowledge: how to construct knowledge that is relevant for integration in decisions about risk management in the context of climate change. Three research experiences from different disciplinary perspectives illustrate successful cases in Argentina.
Webinar 2: 25 July 2023
2. Relatos del clima: lidiando con la incertidumbre
2. Climate stories: dealing with uncertainty
In this webinar we will focus on a topic of growing interest: the study of climate storylines. Through two research experiences in Argentina, we will show different disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches that try to respond to the following challenge: how to build socially relevant climate information to face the challenges posed by climate change.
Webinar 3: 23 August 2023
3. Fuentes de información climática. ¿cómo influyen nuestros valores y contexto?
3. Sources of climate information: How do our values and context influence our choices?
Webinar 4: 27 September 2023
4. Experiencias de coproducción de conocimientos hidroclimáticos y ciencia participativa
4. Experiences of co-production of hydroclimatic knowledge and participative science